Brand & May is committed to helping our clients find new perspectives as they travel through life. Our passion stems from helping people who have courage, honesty, and willingness to consider a change.

Our clients include people who are seeking a path through a transition, who want growth and a renewed purpose in life and who are curious to learn more.



We apply our core values to everything we do. They are the cornerstone of our transformational coaching. 

At Brand & May, we believe these core values should be cultivated, as they are the keys to great leadership, great lives, and fulfilling relationships - personal and professional.

RESILIENCE & COMMITMENT ~ Standing tall in the face of difficult challenges and having the courage to persevere. Being fully dedicated to mission and goal at hand​

~ The ability to quickly find creative ways to overcome challenges
GROWTH ~ Mental and spiritual maturity. Discovering one's own unique set of abilities through introspection and self awareness

HONESTY ~ Being truthful with others, and most importantly with yourself.

CHANGE / ADAPTABILITY ~ Embracing change and charting your future with an open mind

Lauren Brand

Linda May

Lauren's Credentials

Linda's Credentials


Lauren's BIO Video

Linda's BIO Video

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